Progress update since the public meeting

For those who didn’t supply an email address at the meeting or perhaps were not able to attend we have put the email into a blog post, please feel free to share with anyone thats interested in the shops progression.

Hello everyone,

Firstly, our apology for the delay in sending this out to all those who attended the meeting regarding the Proston shop acquisition.

Since the meeting, our group has had a number of issues to deal with / resolve. Peter (Simpson) has retired from his position as Secretary, Nick and Anita have been busy with their businesses, Lyn has had a trip away.
Helen and I have commenced work on Shop 44, along with some assistance , and time has quickly passed us by so we are taking this opportunity to contact you all for the first time.

Our Committee is required by law to have certain positions filled and I would like to introduce you to our committee, as we have had some new members come on board the

Committee as Directors of Proston Qld Ltd.
Our Secretary position is now held by :Helen Roth
Treasurer : Sara Hall
Chairperson/President : Carmel Parnell
Directors: Nick and Anita Blanch, Lyn Manthy and Helen Charity.

We would like to thank those who have already become members of Proston Village Community Group (Proston Qld Ltd), and for those who may be interested in doing so, I have attached a membership form for you or they are available from Jacaranda Tearooms and returned there (a box is available to lodge) or slip into the door slot in Shop 40.

We are currently waiting on quotes for the guttering that needs replacement, a very costly exercise as we require 36 metres, but in the meantime, we have nearly completed the refurbishment internally and the front facade of Shop 44.
We are in the process of setting up a Facebook page and website that will be specifically for keeping you, and the town, up to date with our progress and we will release it as soon as completed…. thank you Sara (Hall) for taking on this project.
You may have seen our SHOUT OUT! to the community on the Proston Connection Facebook page, we have had a great response with sinks/vanities and looks like we now have sufficient to replace what we need to in all the shops.
We are still in need of paint, wooden moulding’s/timber and any building products you may have sitting unused in your garage….. we would be very appreciative of any donations and are happy to pick them up, just reply by return e mail or phone Carmel on 0412763736 or Helen on 07 41689593.

We did mention at the meeting we would ‘call out’ for assistance if anyone had capacity to help… again, a return e mail to advise us if you are available in the future would be appreciated or if you have capacity to sell raffle tickets, do a Membership drive, give us ideas for raising funds, it’s not only the building works, but any of these tasks would assist us.

Currently we have a raffle underway… posters on the shop window of the prizes and tickets available from Jacaranda Tearooms. All prizes have been kindly donated by Liquid Life and Leisure and Boaties Group. and have a total value of over $680!. We would love a presence in the street on a few Saturday morning’s to sell tickets / do a Membership drive if anyone would be available to help us out.

What we have found is that working in such a small space inside the shops really only allows for a maximum of 2 or 3 people at one time without getting in each other’s way or getting hit in the head with the extension of the paint roller! Most shops are of a similar size and will have this same challenge.

It’s great to see the locals ‘pop their head in’ to see what we are doing and the Saturday mornings we have been in the shop working has become a bit of a social occasion in the street with people stopping for a chat, asking questions and sharing a laugh……all curious to see what’s happening in their hometown. It’s very encouraging to witness the interest.

If anyone has any questions , please feel free to contact any of the Committee members above or come and say hello if you see us at the shops … or you’d like to just have a look.
We’ll let you all know when our social media is ready to roll out!

Carmel (on behalf of the Committee)

Please feel free to share with anyone you know is interested in the shop restoration as not all attendees provided an e mail address , we do understand that not everyone has one, so please spread the word of what’s happening to date.


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